Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Creating Contact Groups in Windows Phone

Did you have trouble finding a contact in the phonebook associates phone? Moreover, if you have a list of contacts number in the thousands. Surely troublesome. This condition does not actually have to happen, if you are careful in organizing contacts list. For example, by classifying contacts in a special folder or give a special mark.

For Windows Phone owners, there are other, more powerful way to organize your contacts list. Namely, by utilizing features of 'Groups'. This facility will also help you to group contacts in social networks. All the 'update' linked account / contact colleagues would be easy to find.

You can also directly contact him via telephone or chat features, and even put the contact group on the main menu (Live Tiles). And certainly, everything can be done easily. For those who are curious to try it, can follow the following steps:

Creating a New Contact Group

1. From the ranks of the main menu, select "People" with the icon.

2. You will find a selection of Rooms and Groups. Next select Groups to start making it, or you can also choose 'new' icon.

3. Next, select "Group" and type a name for your group. Select 'Save' to save it.

4. To start adding contacts colleagues, select 'Add' icon.

5. Find the contact you want to register, and tap the contact name to confirm. You can add other contacts in the same way.

6. Contact name will appear in the list of contacts in the group.
(see also: pakan burung kacamata)

7. If all the contacts you have added, select "done" to save it.

8. The contact group will appear at the top of your contact list.


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