" Win Joko Widodo , " said Surya currently three political parties supporting the declaration ceremony in the Office of the DPP PDIP Jokowi in Lenteng Agung, Jakarta , Wednesday ( 14/05/2014 ) .
The declaration was attended by Chairman of the DPP PDIP Megawati Sukarnoputri with the managers of other PDIP , PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar with other CBA board . Surya also come accompanied by other Nasdem board .
( Read: burung kacer )
Surya says it wants a leader who no longer put imaging . He said he wanted a leader who has good intentions with simplicity what it is . He considered that there are at Jokowi .
In his speech , telling Surya Nasdem assessment process between the PDI-P coalition after the legislative election ballot . In the process , he said , represented PDIP Secretary General Tjahjo Kumolo DPP had asked if there was a proposal from the vice Nasdem . At that time , Surya admitted replied that it supports Jokowi unconditionally .
He confirmed, it will help the winning Jokowi with all existing capabilities without any conditions . Solar reasoned , it wants to change the public perception that elite judge political party drunk with power .
According to Surya , the company wants to promote the nation's life than self-interest or political party . " We want to give evidence , " said Surya .
Surya also invite political opponents to compete with maintaining ethics in the upcoming presidential election . " Competing in the spirit of harmony , not hurt . We're ready to go , we are ready to win , we are ready also to lose , " he concluded .
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